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主演:孙毅 徐诗琪 巩汉林 金珠 
类型:爱情片 剧情 爱情
更新:2024-05-14 HD
剧情简介:三十年老字号餐馆食记面临经营危机,少东家叶凛在父亲重病的巨大打击下被迫成长起来,重振食记,也收获了一段刻骨铭心的爱情。。欢迎在线观看由孙毅 徐诗琪 巩汉林 金珠 等主演的爱情片《半糖初恋》,神马电影网第一时间为你更新提供《半糖初恋》,如果你喜欢《半糖初恋》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快!
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迷幻少女遇著過氣公安老頭,未必是貓捉老鼠累鬥累,也可以是從老前輩身上學會認識自己。阿 P 為追阿初欠她的債,偶然與阿初的外公相遇,兩個生活態度南轅北轍的人,就是這樣在荒謬的處境中相互學習。阿P在當中看見年青一代的無奈:十六歲的迷途青春、愛情的無助、軟性毒品的蠶食、面對父母失敗的婚姻、自己渾噩的前途....阿初無故失蹤,又是否因抵受不了同樣殘酷的青春?世情像玻璃,有時看得透,有時不,相同的只是:兩者同樣冰冷易碎。  The second feature from Hong Kong indie director Carol Lai is about the vulnerability of youth, made even more fragile by the vulnerable world of the adults. Grandpa Wu used to be a policeman in Mainland China and has now retired to a life of seclusion on an outlying island. One day, her daughter calls him up and reports that his granddaughter Ah Cho is again missing. The old man hits the road again, in search of the young girl. Then P, Ah Cho's best friend, emerges out of nowhere and heads Wu's search, leading the old man into a series of strange encounters in the uncharted world of frustrated youth.  Source 25th HKIFF (2001)Bronco Billy McCoy is the proud owner of a small traveling Wild West show. But the business isn't doing too well for the past six months he hasn't paid his employees. At a gas station he picks up Antoinette, a stuck-up blonde from a rich family, who was left behind without a penny by her husband on their wedding night. Billy likes her looks and hires her as his assistant. She seems to bring them bad luck and the business gets even worse. In these hard times she loses her reluctance and starts to like her new way of life... and Bronco Billy. Written by Tom Zoerner自从富人沈昂买下亦商别墅B区32号时,他便饱受各种离奇怪异事件所困扰,最终导致精神失常,并对家人和医生宣称这幢别墅里有鬼出没。沈昂的妻子高雨彤(邓紫衣 饰)对这一说法难以置信,她约上好友麦克(TAE 饰)来到亦商别墅,在房地产中介丁先生的引领下走入了这幢已被封闭良久的豪宅。屋内阴森凄凉,令人不寒而栗。及至夜晚,更有许多奇怪的声音和事件困扰着雨彤,而且情况愈演愈烈。为了查明真相,麦克用随身携带的摄像机真实记录下白天和夜晚发生的一切……  本片号称伪纪录恐怖片《鬼影实录》的亚洲版,由中国最具传奇色彩的编剧张二参与剧本创作,这也是他继《异度公寓》以来推出的又一经典巨作。

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