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主演:塙真奈美 冈本信彦 井泽诗织 茶风林 久野美咲 后藤弘树 小仓唯 越後屋コースケ 
类型:日韩动漫 日韩动漫
更新:2024-03-31 全24集
导演:鬼冢大辅 荒井省吾 
剧情简介:。欢迎在线观看由塙真奈美 冈本信彦 井泽诗织 茶风林 久野美咲 后藤弘树 小仓唯 越後屋コースケ 等主演的日韩动漫《小不点》,神马电影网第一时间为你更新提供《小不点》,如果你喜欢《小不点》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快!
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 小不点 剧情简介

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中国女孩夏星溪(许芳铱饰)独自来到马来西亚北部小城亚罗士打(Alor Setar),因为自行车爆胎,她经历了三段截然不同的奇遇,先后遇到了本地女孩爱玲(黄若熙饰),三个闲汉,以及作家皮埃尔(帕斯卡尔·格雷戈里饰)。她用不同的身份向人们介绍着自己,仿佛有不可言明的秘密。而 旅程带给她的,也是始料未及的体验。  本片由梅峰担任艺术指导,徐枫、周征源担任监制。  本片入围第75届威尼斯国际电影节威尼斯日单元,获未来之狮(最佳处女作)奖及威尼斯日导演奖等多项提名,南特三大洲电影节“银气球奖”。家中以卖鱼为生的金大喜(蔡卓妍饰),热爱唱歌的她从小便发明星梦。一个机会让她进入了Harry(陈小春饰)的唱片公司担任歌手Shadow的助手。加入了他们之后才发现,Harry与弟弟阿荣(余文乐饰)不和,Shadow的兴趣更不是在唱歌方面。金大喜极力为他们解围,令原本冷冷清清的一家人多了许多温暖。本来就互有好感的阿荣跟Shadow的撮合下成为恋人。  Shadow被唱片公司任命灌录唱片,使五音不全的她十分为难,便开玩笑的要让金大喜帮她开腔,怎料Harry误让老板听到了那首歌,并扬言要大力宣传。Harry只好求金大喜扮演幕后代唱的位置。Hary知道金大喜的心意,并为她争取了一个出演的机会,不料被对头人陷害,最后还是要帮Shadow代唱,令大喜黯然,可是阴差阳错的事情又发生了……1)Sex, violence, and surgery make for a heady mix in this lurid Japanese shocker concerning a respected female doctor who uses her charms to seduce a series of unsuspecting men and then obtain bloody revenge for the abuse she suffered as a teenager. When she settles down with the man of her dreams and thinks her life has turned a corner, she soon discovers her dark journey has only begun. Michiko Aoyama, Akihiko Kanbara star. 81 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack English (dubbed) Dolby Digital mono; theatrical trailer. Dubbed in English.  2)This brutal Japanese rape-revenge from the late '60s tells the story of a lady doctor who was stripped topless and sexually assaulted on a beach by three men, an attack (shown in shocking detail) which left her pregnant and infected with syphilis. Now older and successful, she prowls the streets, seducing men to take them home and have sex with them before using her doctor skills to brutally murder them to bits. After getting married, she begins to suspect her husband of some sort of betrayal. Will she have to add him to her long list of dismembered victims Probably.  With a surprising amount of nudity and gore for an early Japanese sexploitation, this savage classic, originally presented by Radley Metzger, is sure to shock the senses.

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